How is Pellevé™ different from other skin tightening treatments?

Pellevé™ has been proven to provide safe and effective skin tightening in medical studies. Because Pellevé is a non-invasive procedure, meaning no surgery is required, there are minimal side effects and discomfort. Unlike other skin tightening systems, no anesthesia or skin cooling is needed during your Pellevé™ procedure, so you can return to home or work immediately following treatment.

What should I expect during the procedure?

You will feel a deep warming sensation each time the Pellevé™ hand piece touches the area being treated. Because no anesthetic is required, you’ll be able to describe the depth of the feeling to your doctor, which will help to ensure the best possible results.

How long does a Pellevé procedure take?

Your Pellevé procedure will typically take about 45 to 60 minutes for a full facial treatment. Because Pellevé™ doesn’t require anesthesia or downtime, it fits easily into your busy schedule.

What should I expect afterwards?

Possible side effects of Pellevé™ include mild discomfort during the procedure within the area that was treated. Mild swelling and redness may occur, which typically go away within a few hours. See our Pellevé videos on our website, or visit  Pellevé’s official site for additional information.