LASIK Reviews
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G.I., M.D.
G.I., M.D.

Dear Dr. Gee:

It's been a month since my refractive surgery and I am very happy with the results. I am now able to continue on my erratic schedule without worrying about contact lenses or glasses. I have also had less irritation while doing water sports. I now look forward to traveling and long flights without the constant irritation in the eyes that I had previously experienced.

Your detailed explanations and expert care, and the professional manner of your excellent staff is much appreciated. Thank you.

G.I., M.D.


Dear Dr. Gee, Milad and Staff @ Pan Pacific

I woke up this morning and I could see!! It's such an amazing thing for me having been so near sighted for so long.

I wanted to thank you all for this wonderful gift of clear sight. On some level I know you are all just doing your jobs ~ but that one fact ~ showing up for work & working well ~ is such an incredible blessing for so many people ~ Myself included A line from psalm 23 comes to mind: "surely goodness & loving kindness shall follow you all the days of your life..." (For all your service to others). ...Mahalo & Aloha Ke Akua,

Isaac O.
Isaac O.

Dr. Wong,

Thank you very much for taking good care of me and my wife. Yes, I can
see Mo Betah' now! Looking forward to see what it is like when both eyes
can see Mo Betah'!

Thanks again,

72 + 2 =

If you have any questions please call our Honolulu office at (808) 594-9194 or email us at

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