Dear Dr. Gee:
It's been a month since my refractive surgery and I am very happy with the results. I am now able to continue on my erratic schedule without worrying about contact lenses or glasses. I have also had less irritation while doing water sports. I now look forward to traveling and long flights without the constant irritation in the eyes that I had previously experienced.
Your detailed explanations and expert care, and the professional manner of your excellent staff is much appreciated. Thank you.
G.I., M.D.

Dear Dr. Gee, Milad and Staff @ Pan Pacific
I woke up this morning and I could see!! It's such an amazing thing for me having been so near sighted for so long.
I wanted to thank you all for this wonderful gift of clear sight. On some level I know you are all just doing your jobs ~ but that one fact ~ showing up for work & working well ~ is such an incredible blessing for so many people ~ Myself included A line from psalm 23 comes to mind: "surely goodness & loving kindness shall follow you all the days of your life..." (For all your service to others). ...Mahalo & Aloha Ke Akua,

Dr. Wong,
Thank you very much for taking good care of me and my wife. Yes, I can
see Mo Betah' now! Looking forward to see what it is like when both eyes
can see Mo Betah'!
Thanks again,
If you have any questions please call our Honolulu office at (808) 594-9194 or email us at info@panpacificlaser.com.
To request a consultation please click here and complete our request form.